Psalm 3:5 – I lay down and slept, yet I woke up in safety, for the Lord was watching over me. 6 I am not afraid of 10,000 enemies who surround me on every side.
My son, do not fear that which is hidden in darkness. You who dwell in me – the light of the world. I am light, and in me there is no darkness at all. I have no shadow of turning. I change not says the Lord. When you lie down, let my peace fill you to overflowing. There is no reason to fear. You are in my hands. I am a good father. I watch over you – my beloved son.
If you are in me, then the enemy who surrounds you has to first defeat me to get to you. Have you known me to ever suffer defeat? I the Lord am gloriously victorious. I know not defeat. You are my son. Called to share in the privileges and inheritance of being a son of the king. Why do you live below your position? You who have been given authority over all things! All things have been placed under your feet. The fact that you do not yet see all things under your feet has nothing to do with the truth of your true position.
Therefore lift up your eyes. Those for you are not only more than those against you, but they are stronger and have already overcome. Lift up your eyes. If you’re surrounded it is by me says the Lord. You’re not in the enemy’s hand. You are in mine! Lie down in peace. Sleep. Let your mind rest. Let truth fill you, as my peace and love destroy every worry, anxiety, and fear in my presence.