Psalm 16:7 – I will bless the Lord who guides me; even at night my heart instructs me. 8 I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken for He is right beside me. 9 No wonder my heart is glad and I rejoice; my body rests in safety.
I am the Lord your God. Above me there is no other. Have I not promised to never leave you or forsake you? I am always with you. Why would you be shaken, for I am by your side? What evil should befall you that escapes my notice? I am a very present help in time of trouble.
Let my light and my love guide you. Even the dark shall be light to you, for I am your light. I will light up your pathway. I will guide you as you take my hand and listen to my instruction. For I am a father who loves to instruct my children. How it pleases my heart to see you succeed and overcome. How I rejoice when you stand firm when everything around you is shaking. You stand firm for you have built your life on me. Let me be your rock and your salvation.
Let your heart be glad and rejoice as you enter into my rest. Rest is available to you because the work – your work is finished. No more trying to justify yourself. You stand justified. Enter into the promise of my rest. Enter into my son. He is your safety. Let him keep you safe in the shadow of my wings. For I am not a God who is a far off. I have made my home and you. You are my magnificent temple on earth. Let all the nations see and be glad! For I the Lord will dwell with my own. Believe and you will see. You will say with the Psalmist, ” no wonder my heart is glad and I rejoice!”